Our products have been selected for the REAL JAPAN PROJECT showroom, which aims to bring Japanese craftsmanship closer to people and connect it to the future.
In a simple space featuring great brick tiles, we coordinated a monochrome look with gray steel shelves and a gray table. This design enhances the vibrancy of the colorful products on display.
The shelves are designed so that the support columns remain evenly spaced when multiple units are placed side by side. This ensures a clean and cohesive look, maintaining a sense of unity in the space.
Selected Products:
- Steel Shelf SLF-02 / 3rd-LG
- Table TBL-01 W1800D900H730 / GY-LG
- Desk DSK-01 / BK-BK
02 | STUDIO 894
しあわせ招くやきもの体験スタジオに、KIT_STB-03-LG,IG を採用頂きました。
「STUDIO 894」は、歴史あるこのやきものの街で、ここでしかできない「体験」を通して瀬戸のやきものの魅力を発信していきます。
We have adopted KIT_STB-03-LG,IG at the ceramics experience studio that invites happiness.
"STUDIO 894" will showcase the charm of Seto ceramics through unique "experiences" that can only be found in this historic ceramic town. Visitors can casually drop by, enjoy new experiences, and feel a bit happier. It's a space where people naturally gather, spend moments as they wish, fostering a serene atmosphere for communication. We hope it becomes a place right in the heart of Seto.
03 | K5
K5で開催されたCraft Culture Fare『Beside』の会場に、KIT_STB-01,02を採用頂きました。工具不要で簡単に組み立てが出来て、コンパクトに収納できるので、POPUPでのご利用にも最適です。
K5は、小規模(マイクロ)な複合施設です。2階から4階はHOTEL K5、1階はSwitch Coffee、caveman、caveman wine bar、Ao。そして地下1階にはThe Brooklyn BreweryによるBが入ります。
KIT_STB-01,02 has been adopted at the venue of the Craft Culture Fare 'Beside' held at K5. As it can be easily assembled without tools and stored compactly, it's perfect for use at pop-up events.
K5 is a small-scale (micro) complex facility. The 2nd to 4th floors are HOTEL K5, the 1st floor comprises Switch Coffee, caveman, caveman wine bar, Ao. Additionally, the basement 1st floor will host B by The Brooklyn Brewery.